
The AccuTrak Communications Platform can be the perfect link between doctors, hospitals, HMOs and their out-patients. AccuTrak is currently developing products based on open architecture and proven proprietary software that lets doctors obtain and manage more information about their patients than ever before. Internet access will make data retrieval simple from home, office or anywhere else. A medical monitoring center gives doctors a back-up support system. As medical technologies advance and information gets ever more exact and Internet available, AccuTrak’s modular system will keep doctors on the forefront of these opportunities.

The pace of change in medical technology is breathtaking. In the near future, doctors will use non-invasive methods to monitor organ functions. The AccuTrak Total Body Monitor will enable doctors to keep track of a patient’s condition and a variety of vital statistics such as heart rate, blood pressure and cellular oxygenation without an office visit or a stay in a hospital. Any important changes in a patient’s condition will be communicated to a medical monitoring center for emergency assistance and physician notification when necessary. Since the Total Body Monitor is modular, it can be customized to each patient’s needs and modified as new technologies become available.

As the population of the country ages, middle-aged adults are more and more responsible for their aging parents’ care and well-being. Often, these people sacrifice much of their time and energy meeting their parents’ needs. The AccuTrak Virtual Nurse will be a monitoring device that’s easy for the elderly to wear and tracks a variety of conditions, including heart rate, blood pressure and even carbon dioxide levels for respiratory patients. If a problem occurs, a medical monitoring station would be alerted and could send help. Also, the AccuTrak Virtual Nurse could be a potential lifesaver for Alzheimer patients, stroke victims and people facing memory loss because it has the ability to track and report the movements of anyone no matter where they go.

For expectant moms who have a high-risk pregnancy, the Maternity Coach can give a large measure of safety and security away from the hospital. The Maternity Coach is a simple beeper-like device that keeps track of a variety of vital conditions in both the fetus and the mother. This information would be sent to a medical monitoring facility. Should there be any changes in the condition of either the fetus or the mother, emergency services could be notified and sent to the location of the patient if necessary.

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Take a closer look at some of the AccuTrak product screens, reports and demo. These show the depth of information captured and processed by the AccuTrak platform and applications.

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